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Summer plants: plant out after last frost in April or May


Tomato plants are sold in individual 3.5" biodegradable peat pots.  Peat pots can be planted in the ground to avoid root disturbance, but I recommend tearing strips down the side and bottom of the pot to allow roots to grow quickly out into soil.


Space plants 18-24" apart.  Support is strongly recommended.  


Variety information:

Supersweet 100: A long-time favorite cherry tomato in the southern U.S.  Indeterminate.  This variety is known for its sweet, red, bite-sized fruits.

Matt's Wild Cherry: Heirloom variety loved for the intense sweetness of its very small cherry tomatoes.  Fun for kids and for snacking while you're in the garden.  Puts on a LOT of fruit.

Tropical Sunset: Yellow-orange cherry tomatoes with excellent flavor.  Indeterminate plants that reliable in a range of conditions.

Super Italian Sauce: San Marzano type Italian heirloom sauce tomato.  Plum-sized, elongated fruits with meaty texture that makes a superb sauce.



Tomato plant - cherries and sauce varieties

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